Nudgeathon ~ 2024
Nudgeathon ~ 2024
Nudgeathon 2024 |2-4 April
Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane.
Each year, we invite teams of undergrad and postgrad students, government gurus, and private sector pros from across Australia and New Zealand to join us for an electrifying two-and-a-half-day Nudgeathon!
Teams of 4 will dive into a problem brief and use behavioural science principles and present their brilliant solutions to a panel of expert judges from academia, government, and industry. On the third day, we’ll announce the winners of the competition and this proposal will be presented to government with the aim of making it a reality either at the Commonwealth or State level. We are excited to announce that this year’s topic sponsor is the Plant Biosecurity Research Initiative (PBRI)
Below are the teams presentations and briefs!
Gemma Stiff, Tiange Liu, Yulan Zheng, Emanuel Shariev
Maddie Sehnoun, Elexi Soriano, Celine Seeto, Lily Mestric
Syeda Farizma Shawkat, Heidi Bell, Mitch Edwards, Jack Wasson, Annabelle Henderson
Gemma Cook, Olivia Wong, Jack Yang, Ilan Attie Picker
Renae Sherwood, Caitlin Goston, Jemma Cusumano, Lily Barras
Ewa Pluciennik, Liam Van der Vyver, Lee Hoong Ler, Kai Song
Diana Lam, Frances Welt, Josh Martin, Piper Foley
Mackenzie Wingate-Robinson, Kate Maccarone, Yah Kakia
Brendan Tran, Zoya Cheraghi, Rebecca Ly, Sean Vucas
Michael Mottley, Zuba Ahmed, Chamilka Ratnayake, Soumitra Patekar, Dylan Bowman
Zac Hegyessy, Matthew Holmes, Cindy Tran, Rosie Skull
Samuel North, Sarah Christensen, Bianca Harris, Phoebe Willmore, Sophi Gardiner
Victoria Thompson, Alexandra Poynton, Annabel Howard and Ella Hodgeman
Maryam Sifaei, Yasaman Mohammadpourderakhshi, Srikrishna Bhat, Karthikeyan Venkatesan
Sean O’Brien, Ambrose Bub, Caitlyn Seamer, Fabi McGann
Jeremy Boulton, Elizabeth Viljoen, Shirley Wang
Katherine Sheeran, Xingyi Wu, Liyin Song, Elsa Putri
Jay Dave, Adyan Mohanty, Ruby Zeng, Jiahui Zhang
Sam Ong, Rebecca Byrne, Kyra Hennessy, Simon Barclay
Rosie Welsh, Josefine Lederer, Grace Marsh and Joshuah Yeend